St.Nicholas' PS PTA
St. Nicholas' Primary School is fortunate to have a PTA that is an integral part of the school community. Over recent years we have raised thousands of pounds which has been spent on equipment, books and resources to enhance our children’s educational experience and the school’s facilities.
The PTA provides closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal. All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available. All parents and carers are automatically members of the PTA when their child joins our school.
PTA structure and role of the Committee
Our PTA is a registered charity (NI100417) and therefore must comply with NI Charity legislation.
Our Committee consists of three elected members who are also the charity trustees and six ordinary members.
Chairperson Caroline O'Kane, Treasurer Noleen McCorry, Secretary Paul Rice.
We always welcome any help from parents and teachers, who commit some of their time to helping the association. Due to work commitments, our committee members may not be free to attend all events, so just one hour assisting at an event, serving tea or folding raffle tickets (just a few examples) would be invaluable. If you would like to join the committee or volunteer please speak to a committee member or email us at
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Our Annual General Meeting is held in the Autumn term and provides an excellent opportunity for all parents to come along and hear in more detail about our work, the events we have run, the funds we have raised and how the money has been spent. It is also when we elect our new committee members for the year ahead.
How we raise money
Like most PTAs, the majority of our funds are raised through the events that we run. Some of our recent events are Awards Day raffle, Sports Day BBQ, preloved uniform sales, sponsored walk and calendar sales. Donations from parents are extremely important. You can donate time, money, items for sale, raffle prizes or offers of services and skills.
How we spend the money we raise
The PTA committee is responsible for deciding how our PTA funds are spent in line with our constitution. Through regular communication the school staff share details of items that they would like us to consider funding. We also invite input from parents too, so if you have an idea of something that would benefit all the students in the school, please do share it with the Committee.
Funds are typically spent on the ‘extras’ that are not provided by the school’s budget. Our constitution commits the association to spending money on things that will benefit the children directly.
Some of the items we have donated to the school in recent years are listed below:
Donations towards playground improvements, library and reading books, sports day medals, digital pantomimes and webcams to support remote learning.
We have also donated Easter eggs, Christmas books and selection boxes for the children.
Keep in touch
We communicate events via the school Parentmail and provide details of funds raised and items purchased in our termly newsletter. We have a Facebook page where we share all updates and can be contacted by Facebook message or by email at
St Nicholas' Primary School, Minorca Place, Carrickfergus, Co Antrim, BT38 8AU | Tel: 028 93 351149